Parents / Carer / Guardian
A unique opportunity for your sixteen year old to find their career path and develop skills ready for the work place.
The automotive sector continues to see truly exciting innovation, change and sustainable growth. It presents a huge variety of entry-level roles across a range of disciplines which offer continuous learning and development in a secure career.
Our program allows children to get invaluable work experience and discover skills and talent which will help them when searching for their first position.
We provide you with the support and guidance required to fully understand the options for work when your child leaves school.
What Constitutes 'Work' Experience?
- Motor experience is useful, but any type of work is invaluable, whether that’s delivering newspapers, cleaning, shelf-stacking or working at a till.
- Previous or ongoing paid work qualifies. That includes evening, weekend and holiday work.
- Voluntary work is highly valuable. That includes painting, gardening, pet / baby-sitting, cooking or cleaning.
- Team, club or hobby activities can be an excellent source of ‘work’ experience and employability skills. Examples of planning, organisation, communication, time management and team leading may be found, no matter how small or short.
- Joining with friends on charity events, sponsored work-outs and so on might provide evidence of initiative, people skills, determination, integrity or commercial awareness.
Transferable Skills
The reason the above ‘work’ experience counts strongly toward employability skills is because the skills developed are transferable. For example, skills gained from dealing with the public and providing customer service in a shop are the same skills needed at a service desk or in a car showroom.
That’s why work experience is so invaluable toward applications. The more examples of employability skills that you can help your teenager find from their past, the more successfully they’ll interview.
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